Examples of filled out divorce forms
Filling out divorce forms can seem like a hopelessly complex ordeal, with all of the numerical codes and confusing names. But it shouldn’t be! After all, people who are going through a separation don’t need any more complexity in their lives.
We prepared this article to show you some examples of what filled-out divorce forms look like before being submitted to the court.
For the sake of simplicity, we used Colorado-based forms. While the specifics of the process vary depending on your state, most of the steps included in this post should apply to your case. When in doubt, consult with your family law professional.
Find out how to get your filled out divorce forms to submit to the court
First, we should break the process down into steps.
- Preliminary decision-making
- Fill out the forms
- File the forms
Let’s dive in:
Preliminary decision making
There are a few things you should have decided by now before going forward:
- Do my partner and I agree on the terms of the divorce?
- Will I require the services of an attorney?
- Are any underage children involved?
There’s a good amount of choices to be made down the line, but at this point, before starting to fill out the forms, you’ll need to be certain of these three variables, as they’ll influence the forms you’ll need.
Fill out the forms
The first few forms normally aren’t too big of a deal and can be more often than not figured out easily. However, if you feel overwhelmed, many states offer flowcharts and other tools to better understand which forms and worksheets you’ll need to fill out. And don’t forget to ask for help from your trusted family law professional!
We’re based out of Colorado, so to start out we’ll need to start out with either two or three forms, depending on whether or not this will be a joint or independent filing. In both cases, we’ll start out with the Case information and the Petition forms, plus the Summons form in case this is not a joint filing.

After paying fees and serving documents to the opposing party (in case it’s needed) comes the bulk of the work. Namely, the financial statement.
This document sums up your history and current situation money-wise. It includes details such as income, properties, debt, and so on. It has to be very thorough, as it’s a key for decision-making down the line.

The Financial Statement can get real complex real fast. You’ll need to have your properties valued, among other things. Often, as time goes by, values change, and the forms need to be re-filled with up-to-date information, duplicating workloads.
We recommend you work with professionals who can provide you with tools to easily and quickly submit and update information, which can then be used to automatically generate docs. Ask your attorney if they use DivorceHelp123!
Then comes the Certificate of Compliance. This one’s short and easy: it certifies which of the former mandatory disclosures have been sent to the other party and that they are as complete and correct as they get.

Then comes further documents, like Child Support Worksheets. This document helps you work out Child Support obligations, according to a number of variables that include income and adjustments.
File your filled out divorce forms to the court
We at DivorceHelp123 work with Family Law Professionals, and thus recommend leaving the court dealing for them.
However, here’s how the filing process goes:
Either you or someone acting on your behalf provides the courts with documents, either electronically or in printed form.
Normally, you fill and file the first batch of files, and then go forward with further batches. You may file by mail, online or in-person. Filing papers normally incurs a fee. Online filing may cost extra.
Download examples of filled out divorce forms
DivorceHelp123 can automatically generate court-ready divorce forms using a simple data intake tool. This way, neither client nor attorney needs to waste time and effort filling, refilling, formatting, updating, or editing forms.
Thank you for reading! Hope our filled-out divorce forms are useful for you!